There are four major types of college essays that you will write. When you understand the major difference between each one your writing assignments will be that much easier. The four major types of college essays are: Narrative Essays, Descriptive Essays, Expository Essays, Persuasive essays. Through this article we will explore the differences between each one.
Writing a narrative essay isn’t much different than writing a story. This isn’t to imply that it’s the same as writing a short piece of fiction. In this case it’s more like a news story or a magazine article. You will tell a story about a real life experience – either yours or someone else’s. It is typically written in the first person perspective. At the end of the essay you will have delivered a personal statement or belief in a powerful and effective way.
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The problem of people crossing a country’s borders without proper authorization to do so has grown worse and worse in relation to the trouble we are experiencing in our world. Many of these individuals are seeking a better life. They perceive that people in wealthier countries are better off, have more jobs, and have a better quality of life than those in their home countries. It is often the case that illegal immigrants have better work ethic than locals because they are so determined to make their new life work out better than the old. This essay will examine this claim more closely.
Many countries are in financial turmoil because of various political factors. Others do not permit freedom of religion and therefore persecute any who choose to follow a different belief. For these reasons and others, people in these countries choose to live in other countries where circumstances are far better. However, the proper channels to do so are often expensive and riddled with plenty of red tape—which is why they opt to enter another country via illegal means.
Lots of people accuse illegal immigrants of contributing to crime and stealing jobs away from locals. While this may be true in some cases, illegal immigrants in certain countries actually contribute more to the economy than locals do. This is because they are more appreciative of the work they receive and put more effort into doing the job well. They also have less remuneration expectations because they are willing to accept whatever they can get to survive.
We must also look at the cause of why so many illegal immigrants are flocking into first world countries. This is obviously relative to the amount of unrest in the world. The more that countries experience poverty, political instability, and religious persecution; the more these individuals will attempt to escape their circumstances. Although this view does not solve the problem of illegal immigrants, it does help us to understand it better.
Illegal immigrants are people too. It is granted that many have contributed to crime levels, but this is not something we can generalize on. Many illegal immigrants are hard working individuals who are looking for an opportunity to better their lives and the lives of their families. When we address this problem, it is important to bear this in mind.
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