There are four major types of college essays that you will write. When you understand the major difference between each one your writing assignments will be that much easier. The four major types of college essays are: Narrative Essays, Descriptive Essays, Expository Essays, Persuasive essays. Through this article we will explore the differences between each one.
Writing a narrative essay isn’t much different than writing a story. This isn’t to imply that it’s the same as writing a short piece of fiction. In this case it’s more like a news story or a magazine article. You will tell a story about a real life experience – either yours or someone else’s. It is typically written in the first person perspective. At the end of the essay you will have delivered a personal statement or belief in a powerful and effective way.
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Any school sports player makes their school money for their coffers. His is a fact, not an assumption. Sports bring in more money, than almost any activity a school can pursue. Very few schools make as much or equal what they make from sports, and football is the leading money maker. So should the students be paid? His is a question to look at two sides of. The cost of paying players, and the benefits of not paying them.
Even though the school makes money off the player, the community does not. The school, however, makes money in two ways; revenue from the games, and free publicity that draws new students to the school. Paying students more than reduced or free tuition, would eat heavily into that bonus for the schools. Yet many of the students that play sports, live on limited, with no actual income, besides their tuition benefits. Some have financially supportive parents, and these students get money from them to live on; but that is a limited few. But taking that money would be a drain from the schools, severely diminishing the benefits of the sports.
The benefits of not paying the students, is that the school has more money to invest into the school, and stockholders. This means that the school and continue to develop more effective programs, and add new ones in the school. Even though a lot of this money is already going to Coaches, this means they can hire more competent and effective staff. But there is still money left over for the school.
Another way to look at this, is the NCAA bans the ability of student players from signing endorsements and licensing deals. If this was to be lifted, to a degree, it could mean a lot for some of these students. A student could not do promotions like an out of school athlete; but they could do a few on breaks and between semesters. Licensing would even be a better choice, where the student could do a few photo shoots, and have their image posted on a product’s lable for a monthly allotment. It would be less than the pro-athlete, but it could benefit the student greatly. Helping them with other school costs, and other activities. This would leave them more time for school, while making money for their activity.
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